domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Is the life

 Sphere of candy:
 500 gr. isomalt
 10 gr. waters down
 Air of maracayá and thyme:
 350 gr. milk.
 150 gr. juice of maracayá.
 C/n lectina of soybean.
 C/n lemon-flavoured thyme.
 Creamy of maracayá:
 500 ml. milk.
 500 ml. juice of maracayá.
 250 gr. sugar.
 12 one. Yolks.
 80 gr. starch of maize.
 Gel of maracuyá:
 8 gr. gelatine without flavor.
 200 ml. juice of maracuyá.
 40 waters down.
 Crocante of chocolate:
 100 gr. fondant.
 65 gr. semibitter chocolate.
 65 gr. glucose.

 Sphere of candy:
 To take the isomalt and the water to the fire until it reaches 170ºC. To stretch on silpat in order that the tºC descends, to do folds with the help silpat and gloves of candy, up to forming a homogeneous mass. To stretch again with the help of gloves until it takes sheen. With a pipette to incorporate the air up to forming the wished sphere (in case of the candy be cooling during the process, to warm in microwave).
 Creamy of maracuyá:
 To take to boiling the milk and juice of maracayá with the half of sugar. In a bowl, to mix the yolks with the sugar and the starch of maize. To mix in the fire with previous preparation as soon as it reaches the wished texture to withdraw of the fire and to reserve.

Gel of maracuyá:
 To hydrate the gelatine with the water and to add the juice of maracuyá. To place in the mold, to stop to cool.
 Crocante of chocolate:
 To cook the fondant and the glucose up to them 156ºC. To incorporate the chocolate and to stop to cool. As soon as tºC began to go down to place in a sleeve, to stretch on silpat and to mold in the shape of spaghetti (in the moment of service to dust with the bitter cocoa).
 Air of maracuyá and thyme:
 To realize an infusion with all the ingredients. To place the preparation in a glass, with the help of a mixer to work up to obtaining the "air". This preparation is realized in the moment to serve.

 In the base of the plate to place a sheet of gel of maracuyá. To realize small hollows to introduce the creamy one of maracuyá and thyme. To decorate with the crocante of chocolate.

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